Happy Weekend!

Today the boyfriend came home from the fruit market with something  for me that is entirely useless but apparently he HAD to purchase as he, and I quote, “knew you would totally love it.” Boy does he know me well:
Eeeeeeee! Teeny Tiny Pumpkin!!! I know this isn’t exactly a ground breaking blog topic, but look how freakin cute it is! Not really having Halloween in Australia, pumpkins are not something that I often have in my house (apart from roasted in the occasional dinner). I wish we did. Jack-o-lanterns look like fun to make.  Is it sad that I’m so entertained by a small vegetable?
Naturally I spent a good portion of the afternoon annoying Loki with it and taking photos. He was no where near as excited as I was about the pumpkin. In fact, even when I rolled it around the floor in a feeble attempt to get him to play with it, he just sat there looking at me like I was a complete idiot.  I’m pretty sure he wishes the boys would let me photograph them more so I would leave him alone.
  • Alanna

    May 8, 2011 at 8:29 pm Reply

    That’s so awesome.

  • emily-kallista

    May 16, 2011 at 6:56 pm Reply

    omg I love the pumpkin! and the kitty cat lol, love ur blog x

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