Sunday Sessions: 01.09.13

September 1, 2013


LINE ONE: These upstyles are lovely, but what makes them really special is the models; meet Guys with Fancy Lady Hair, a collection of women’s  hair styles modeled by some handsome gents with lovely long locks, that frankly make me a little jealous!

LINE TWO: Umm… where can I get one of these flippin awesome  SLR Gun Holder‘s? As someone who always seems to get my hair tangled in the camera strap, this is pretty much the best idea I’ve ever seen! Plus, I would love to feel like a gunslinger every time I whipped out my camera.

LINE THREE: Take a look at this simple yet stunning DIY to make Yarn Banners. Who would have thought such a simple idea would be so striking!

LINE FOUR:  Speaking of clever DIY’s using yarn,  I never realised that you could make Animal faces from Pom Poms! How do people work out brilliant tricks like this?

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