ONE / I recently came across Bossacafez‘s delectable flickr stream. All the photos are so crisp and delicious, I’m totally mesmerized by everything on there!

TWO / Been browsing the Valentines Day category on Society 6  and came across a whole stack of wonderful love themed illustrations. I honestly lose hours just perusing all the different artists and designers. ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )

THREE / As a life long Batman fan these photos obviously caught my eye;  Photographer Rémi Noël has chronicled adventures of  Batman action figure travelling across the world. The dramatic black and white photos make all of the most normal activities seem as dramatic as you can imagine Batman’s life should be!

FOUR / Perhaps these are a little morbid, but I totally identify with some of  these Irrational Fears by illustrator Andrew of The Kolblog. It’s nice to know other people have random fears of things that are really unlikely!


3 Responses to Sunday Sessions | 02.02.14