
DIY | Simple Bead Garland

It only takes 5 minutes to make these simple wooden bead garlands!

Now that we are officially into the new year,  its time for the Christmas decorations to come down. What a bummer! The house always seems so boring and dull once you take away the tinsel and baubles, so this year, instead of taking away all the fun, I am merely swapping it out for something a little more simple and a little less ‘seasonal’.  These beaded garlands are super cheap and only take a few minutes to make, which is perfect, because I already spent all my ‘decorating patience’ on taking down my beloved Christmas decorations…

It only takes 5 minutes to make these simple wooden bead garlands!    It only takes 5 minutes to make these simple wooden bead garlands!

All you need  is some plain wooden beads and bakers twine and of course some strong tape or pins to secure it all once you’re done.

Cut a long length of thread (long enough to string across your chosen area, plus an extra metre. Thread three beads onto the string and push to the centre of the string. Tie off a large knot at either end of the beads, securing the beads from moving along the string. Thread another three beads onto the string and line up around 15-20cm from the first group. Tie off as you did previously and repeat along both sides of the string until you have filled it completely. String up and secure with strong hold tape or some push pins. Too Easy!

It only takes 5 minutes to make these simple wooden bead garlands! It only takes 5 minutes to make these simple wooden bead garlands! It only takes 5 minutes to make these simple wooden bead garlands!

  • katie a.

    January 14, 2015 at 1:05 am Reply

    Supre cute way to spice up any blank walls. Love this idea!

  • shannan

    January 18, 2015 at 11:23 am Reply

    these are prefect:)

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