Sunday Sessions | Popsicle Week


Did you know that it’s Popsicle Week? Every year during the first week of summer (in the US), Wit & Vinegar hosts the official popsicle week where a bunch of talented bloggers from all over the world share their popsicle recipes. Even as I sit here, rugged up in a jumper and blanket, I am totally digging the frozen treats that have been coming my way all week! So, as all of my favourite finds have been popsicle related, instead of the usual round-up, here are a bunch of my favourites that I just can’t wait to try! 

PB&J PopsiclesTayberry, Rose Geranium + Buttermilk Popsicles | Strawberry Bourbon Smash Popsicles
Raspberry Strawberry Watermelon Popsicle |  Cereal Milk Neapolitan Popsicles
Berry Buttermilk Popsicles | Strawberry Cream Pops

  • Erika

    June 30, 2014 at 11:38 am Reply

    Yay! Every year I discover so many great new blogs to follow while I’m eating all the new popsicles I have to make. You have to join in next year!

    • Dani

      June 30, 2014 at 3:58 pm Reply

      Oh I will! I was super bummed that I forgot about it this year! So much fun!

What say you?