diy-easter-eggsIf there’s one thing that I am sure of, it’s that I will never cease to be amazed at the sheer volume of Easter Egg decorating projects that come out of the woodwork every year! Who knew there could be so many ways to make a fragile little oval shape look so beautiful! Now, this amazement may be due to the fact that I haven’t tried my hand at egg decorating size primary school. In comparison, everyone is a million billion times more creative than me and my lack of effort. But looking at just these few DIY’s I have chosen to share with you today, I think it’s more due to the fact that these ladies are off-the-chain talented! It’s just the inspiration I needed to get off my butt and come up with my own Easter projects! What about you guys? Are you decorating eggs this Easter or do you have your own project in mind?

Golden Marbled Eggs / Metallic Egg Art Spotted Eggs
Abstract Painted Eggs / Illustrated Eggs / Watercolor Eggs

  • chelsea

    April 16, 2014 at 9:39 am Reply

    These are adorable! I love the polka-dotted ones!

  • Shell

    April 16, 2014 at 9:15 pm Reply

    They’re so gorgeous! I spent about a month last year searching for white-shelled eggs, but alas. We only have brown shells here - in every supermarket, deli, greengrocer and organic market I could find in Sydney. I tried to make the brown eggs pretty, but it didn’t work :/ I’ll satisfy myself with these pretty pictures this year

    • Dani

      April 16, 2014 at 9:49 pm Reply

      I KNOW RIGHT!!! I Actually spray painted some eggs white a couple of years ago in a moment of desperation! lol

      • Shell

        April 21, 2014 at 3:41 pm Reply

        haha! That’s dedication!!

What say you?